Minerals America S

Discover in this category all our minerals from South America. Here are honored Brazil, Peru, Chile, Argentina...

  • copy of Amethyst, Vera...
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    copy of Amethyst, Vera...


    Mineral collection

    Great crystals finished with'amethyst opaque and light color, with some skeletal faces.
    This specimen comes from the area of Las Vigas, State of Véra Cruz, at Mexico.
    It measures 9.6 cm high for 6.5 cm wide and 4.2 cm thickest.
    Its weight is 190 grams.

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  • copy of Disthene (cyanite),...
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    copy of Disthene (cyanite),...


    Mineral collection

    Specimen de disethene and quartz with a main blue crystal of more than 12 cm.
    It comes from the district of Barra do Salinas, Coronel Murta, Minas Gerais Brazil.
    Classic specimen measuring 15.1 cm long for 2.9 cm wide and 5.5 cm thickest.
    His weight is 245 grams.


    Mineral collection

    Piece of kyanite and quartz with a blue main crystal of more than 12 cm.
    It comes from the district of Barra do Salinas, Coronel Murta, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
    Classic specimen measuring 15.1 cm long by 2.9 cm wide and 5.5 cm at the thickest.
    Its weight is 245 grams.

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  • copy of Pyrite,...
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    copy of Pyrite,...


    Minerals of collection

    Brilliant Pyrite with yellow octaederic crystals, with partial recovery of sphaleritis.
    It comes from the Huaron mines in Pasco province in Peru.
    This specimen 9.2 cm long for 7.6 cm wide and 2.6 cm thick.
    It weighs 403 grams.

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  • copy of Calcite, Chihuahua,...
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    copy of Calcite, Chihuahua,...


    Mineral collection

    Calcite white and shiny with more transparent finishes.

    This specimen comes from Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua in Mexico.

    It measures 7 cm high for 4.8 cm wide and 3.7 cm thick.

    Its weight is 46 grams.

    (Measures out of basement)

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  • copy of Tourmaline, Minas...
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    copy of Tourmaline, Minas...


    Mineral collection

    Sample containing many crystals in her gangue blue tourmaline.
    It comes from the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil.
    This mineral measures 5.4 cm long for 5 cm wide and 3.7 cm thick.
    Its weight is 102 grams.

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  • copy of Hübnérite, quartz,...
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    copy of Hübnérite, quartz,...


    Mineral collection

    Nice specimen of'hubnérite and quartz, brilliant, with a pleasant presentation.

    It comes from the Mundo Nuevo mine in the province of Sanchez Carrion Peru.

    This sample is 6 cm tall for 5.8 cm wide and 4.2 cm thick.

    Its weight is 149 grams.

    (Measures out of basement)

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  • copy of Quartz, Tourmaline,...
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    copy of Quartz, Tourmaline,...


    Mineral collection

    Here's one quartz jacaré both aesthetic and interesting, with scepter growth and crystal tourmaline black nested in the middle of the crystals. This brilliant crystal has a slight smoke.
    This specimen comes from Minas Gerais to Brazil.
    It measures 5.2 cm high for 4.8 cm wide and 3.2 cm thickest.
    Its weight is 93 grams.


  • copy of Calcite, Chihuahua,...
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    copy of Calcite, Chihuahua,...


    Mineral collection

    Calcite white and shiny with more transparent finishes.

    This specimen comes from Santa Eulalia, Chihuahua in Mexico.

    It measures 7 cm high for 4.8 cm wide and 3.7 cm thick.

    Its weight is 46 grams.

    (Measures out of basement)

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  • copy of Tourmaline, Minas...
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    copy of Tourmaline, Minas...


    Mineral collection

    Sample containing many crystals in her gangue blue tourmaline.
    It comes from the state of Minas Gerais in Brazil.
    This mineral measures 5.4 cm long for 5 cm wide and 3.7 cm thick.
    Its weight is 102 grams.

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  • copy of Semimorphite,...
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    copy of Semimorphite,...


    Mineral collection

    Crystals'semimorphite white and shiny, with a 2.5 cm main gerbe.

    This mineral comes from the mine of Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.

    It measures 6.3 cm high for 4.4 cm wide and 2.9 cm thickest.

    Its weight is 57 grams.

    Note that the gangue is powdery (without influence on the aesthetics of the specimen)

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  • copy of Vivianite, Cabeça...


    Mineral collection

    Gerbe de vivianite brilliant with beautiful green and blue reflections.
    It comes from Mine Cabeça do Cachorro, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas, Brazil.
    This specimen 10.3 cm long for 2.5 cm wide and 1.5 cm thick.
    Its weight is 36 grams.

    360° video:

  • copy of Amethyst, Vera...


    Mineral collection

    Great crystals finished with'amethyst opaque and light color, with some skeletal faces.
    This specimen comes from the area of Las Vigas, State of Véra Cruz, at Mexico.
    It measures 9.6 cm high for 6.5 cm wide and 4.2 cm thickest.
    Its weight is 190 grams.

    360° video:

  • copy of Calcite, Irai,...


    Mineral collection

    Specimen from a locality known among others for its calcites, Irai, Rio Grande Do Sul Brazil.
    It carries two generations of crystals finished with calcite on a quartz matrix, the back of the specimen is covered by céladonite.
    UV reactive specimen.
    It measures 7.9 cm long for 5.9 cm high and 3.4 cm thick.
    Its weight is 120 grams.

    360° video:

  • copy of Fluorite, dolomite,...


    Minerals of collection

    Nice specimen partner of the fluoritis reactive to uv, from dolomite white pyrite and of gale with a melted aspect.
    It comes from the Huanzala Mine, Huallanca, Bologna, Ancash, Peru.
    It measures 5.5 cm long for 4.3 cm wide and 2.7 cm thick.
    Its weight is 103 grams.
    (Measures out of basement)


    Minerals of collection

    Pleasant piece combining UV reactive fluorite, white dolomite, pyrite and galena with a molten appearance.
    It comes from the Huanzala Mine, Huallanca, Bologna, Ancash, Peru.
    It measures 5.5 cm long, 4.3 cm wide and 2.7 cm thick.
    Its weight is 103 grams.
    (Measures outside the base)

    360° video:

  • copy of Pyrite, Huaron,...


    Minerals of collection

    Beautiful pyrite very brilliant, with octaedric crystals to the faces with motifs of dissolution.
    It comes from the Huaron mines in Pasco province in Peru.
    This specimen measures 8 cm long for 5.8 cm wide and 4.2 cm thick.
    It weighs 355 grams.

    360° video:

  • copy of Boléite, El Boleo,...


    Mineral collection

    Cubic crystal bowl dark blue with a good lustre.
    It comes from the Amelia mine, El Boleo, Santa Rosalia, Baja California, Mexico.
    This mineral measures 3 mm of ridge.

    360° video:

  • copy of Black Disthene...


    Mineral collection

    Sample of the black variety of disethene, rhaëticite.

    It's from Minas Gerais to Brazil.

    This fan specimen is 13.6 cm long for 4.6 cm wide and 1.6 cm thick.

    Its weight is 103 grams.

    360° video:

  • copy of Pyrite,...


    Minerals of collection

    Brilliant Pyrite with yellow octaederic crystals, with partial recovery of sphaleritis.
    It comes from the Huaron mines in Pasco province in Peru.
    This specimen 9.2 cm long for 7.6 cm wide and 2.6 cm thick.
    It weighs 403 grams.

    360° video:

  • Alabandite, Uchucchacua...


    Minerals of collection

    Key crystal aalabandite on a gangue of'alabandite massive, quartz and calcite. The crystal is 1.4 cm long.

    This specimen comes from the mine of Uchucchacua, Oyon, Lima, Peru.

    It measures 4.1 cm long for 4.3 cm wide and 1.8 cm thick.

    Its weight is 39 grams.

    360° video:

  • Amethyst, Vera Cruz,...


    Mineral collection

    Specimen carrying on gangue crystals'amethyst, whose main one is finished, brilliant and with an intense color.

    It comes from Mexico, from the Las Vigas sector, State of Véra Cruz.

    This specimen measures 6.8 cm long for 3.8 cm wide and 5.8 cm thickest.

    It weighs 47 grams.

    360° video:

  • Silver native, New Nevada...


    Mineral collection

    Great specimen native money on a rock and calcite gangue.

    Interesting presence of a group of green yellow sphaleritis millimetric crystals on the bottom of the sample.

    This money comes from the New Nevada mine, Batopilas, Chihuahua, Mexico.
    It measures 9.6 cm long for 5.9 cm wide and 3.7 cm thickest.
    Its weight is 188 grams.

    360° video:

  • Semimorphite, Ojuela,...


    Mineral collection

    Crystals'semimorphite white and shiny, with a 2.5 cm main gerbe.

    This mineral comes from the mine of Ojuela, Mapimi, Durango, Mexico.

    It measures 6.3 cm high for 4.4 cm wide and 2.9 cm thickest.

    Its weight is 57 grams.

    Note that the gangue is powdery (without influence on the aesthetics of the specimen)

    360° video:

  • Calcite, Chihuahua, Mexico,...


    Mineral collection

    Calcite with chocolate-colored dog teeth crystals.

    It comes from the El Potosi mine, Sainte Eulalie, Chihuahua Mexico.

    This specimen is 11.1 cm long for 9.2 cm wide and 3.6 cm thick.

    Its weight is 402 grams.

    Note keys on the periphery of the specimen.

    360° video:

  • Pyrite, sphaleritis,...


    Minerals of collection

    Brilliant Pyrite with yellow octaederic crystals, with partial recovery of sphaleritis.
    It comes from the Huaron mines in Pasco province in Peru.
    This specimen 9.2 cm long for 7.6 cm wide and 2.6 cm thick.
    It weighs 403 grams.

    360° video:

  • Zinkénite, San José,...


    Mineral collection

    Solid clusters of fine acicular crystals of zinkénite black metal.
    It measures 3.3 cm long for 1.4 cm wide and 0.8 cm thickest.
    This sample comes from the San José mine, Oruro, Bolivia.

    360° video:

  • Amethyst, Vera Cruz,...


    Mineral collection

    Great crystals finished with'amethyst opaque and light color, with some skeletal faces.
    This specimen comes from the area of Las Vigas, State of Véra Cruz, at Mexico.
    It measures 9.6 cm high for 6.5 cm wide and 4.2 cm thickest.
    Its weight is 190 grams.

    360° video:

  • Pyrite, Huaron, Peru, 355...


    Minerals of collection

    Beautiful pyrite very brilliant, with octaedric crystals to the faces with motifs of dissolution.
    It comes from the Huaron mines in Pasco province in Peru.
    This specimen measures 8 cm long for 5.8 cm wide and 4.2 cm thick.
    It weighs 355 grams.

    360° video:

  • Pyrite, Huanzala, Peru, 154 g


    Minerals of collection

    Pyrite peruvian with original crystallization, with striated crystals accoled.
    It comes from the Huanzala mine, Huallanca, Ancash, Peru.
    This pyrite measures 4.8 cm long for 4.2 cm wide and 2.4 cm thick.
    Its weight is 154 grams.

    360° video:

  • Stellerite, Veracruz,...


    Mineral collection

    Orange and spherical crystals stellerite on gangy.
    This specimen comes from Tatatila in the State of Véracruz to Mexico.
    It measures 5.5 cm long for 5.1 cm high and 3 cm thickest.
    Its weight is 100 grams.

    360° video:

  • Tetraédrite, Casapalca,...


    Mineral collection

    Miniature mounted on a base with an association of pointed and brilliant crystals tetraedrite with quartz crystals.
    It comes from Casapalca, Huarociri province, Lima department, Peru.
    Specimen measuring 3.5 cm long for 3.1 cm wide and 1.4 cm thickest.
    Specimen 1980s.
    (Measures out of basement)

    360° video: