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Minerals France
Find here all the French minerals that we offer for sale!
Pinite, Blot the Church,...
€20.00Mineral collection
Sample pinite on gangue, variety of muscovite here in pseudomorphosis of a crystal of cordierite.
It comes from the deposit of Blot the Church, Puy-de-Dôme, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France.
This specimen measures 6.7 cm long for 4.6 cm wide and 4 cm thick, the crystal measures 7 mm long.
Weight of 135 grams.360° video:
Gypse poli, Mâlain, France,...
€50.00Minerals of collection
Specimen from the mine of Mâlain in Burgundy, France, highlighting a red gypsum nodule.
This restricted mine contains these rare training in nodule caught in a clay marne.
These nodules can be patiently released from their gange, polished and varnish.
This 187 gram specimen measures 5.9 cm wide for 6.9 cm high and 4.1 cm thick.
360° video: -
Calcédoine, Miécaze,...
€15.00Mineral collection
Calcedoine brown stalactiveorm.
It comes from Miécaze, from a former graniodiorite career, in Cantal en France.
This specimen 5.8 cm high for 4.8 cm wide and 2.3 cm thick.
Its weight is 82 grams.360° video:
Quartz, Beaufortain,...
€70.00Mineral collection
Crystal Group transparent quartz and brilliant with a little albite.
This specimen comes from the Beaufortain massif, Savoie, France.
This specimen 8.4 cm long for 5.4 cm high and 5 cm thick.
It weighs 224 grams.360° video:
€30.00Mineral collection
Group of clusters in balls of cubic crystals violet fluorite on gangy.
This specimen characteristic comes from Buxières-les-Mines, Moulins, Allier, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France.
It weighs 179 grams.
This sample is 7.3 cm long for 6 cm wide and 3.4 cm thickest.
Visible keys are to be noted in crystals.360° video:
Lithophyse, Esterel,...
€65.00Mineral collection
Tranche lithophyse with a double heart, polished on both sides and polished on one side (brush).
This calcedoin aesthetic comes from the Esterel massif, Var, France.
Specimen measuring 10.9 cm long for 7.4 cm wide and 1.7 cm thick.
His weight is 255 grams.360° video:
Baryte, Igornay, France, 477 g
€45.00Mineral collection
Tabular crystal mats baryte yellow brown.
Specimen from Igornay to Saône-et-Loire, France.
It measures 8.5 cm long for 6.9 cm wide and 4.4 cm thickest.
Its weight is 477 grams.
The base is split.360° video:
Sperkise, Cap Blanc-Nez,...
€85.00Mineral collection
Specimen showing on his chalk gangde two marcassites at the faciès sperkise, one at the sharp stops and the second less well defined.
It comes from Cap Blanc-Nez, Escalles, Pas-de-Calais, France.
This specimen measures 11.9 cm long for 6.2 cm wide and 4.2 cm thick.
Its weight is 272 grams.360° video:
Pyrite, Cap Blanc-Nez,...
€40.00Mineral collection
Esthetics pyrite two crystallizations on his chalk gangde.
It comes from Cap Blanc-Nez, Escalles, Pas-de-Calais, France.
This specimen measures 11.5 cm long for 6.8 cm wide and 2.5 cm thick.
Its weight is 185 grams.360° video:
Brachidôme perfume, Cap...
€65.00Mineral collection
Marcasite on chalk, in sperkise mâcle with brachidôme endings.
It comes from the cliffs of Cap Blanc-Nez in Escalles, Pas-de-Calais, France.
This sample is 5.7 cm long for 4.7 cm wide and 2.9 cm thick.
It weighs 70 grams.360° video:
Baryte, St Georges les...
€35.00Mineral collection
Tabular crystallization baryte yellow green color.
This specimen french comes from Saint-Georges-les-Bains,Ardèche, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
With a weight of 253 grams, it measures 8.3 cm long for 5.7 cm wide and 4.1 cm thickest.360° video:
Goethite, Le Kaymar,...
€29.00Mineral collection
Sample goethite having crystallized in a geode.
It comes from Le Kaymar, Lunel, Aveyron, Occitanie, France.
This specimen 6.7 cm long for 5 cm wide and 2.4 cm thick.
It weighs 136 grams.360° video:
Sperkise with Brachidôme,...
€60.00Mineral collection
Nice marcasite in mâcle sperkise with brachidôme endings.
It comes from the cliffs of Cap Blanc-Nez in Escalles, Pas-de-Calais, France.
This sample is 5.7 cm long for 4 cm wide and 3.3 cm thick.
It weighs 149 grams.
Ancient specimen treated for better conservation.360° video:
Célestine, dolomite, Les...
€15.00Mineral collection
Sympathy small specimen covered with crystals dolomite brilliant and millimetric crystals of celestine transparent.
It comes from the Saillants du Gua, Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes, France.
This sample is 5.8 cm long for 4 cm wide and 2.7 cm thick.
Its weight is 57 grams.360° video:
Pyrite, Cap Blanc-Nez,...
€35.00Mineral collection
Crystallisation pyrite floating and brilliant.
It comes from Cap Blanc-Nez, Escalles, Pas-de-Calais, France.
This specimen 4.8 cm long for 4.5 cm wide and 3.3 cm high.
Its weight is 146 grams.
Specimen treated.360° video:
Pyrite, Saint Denis...
€40.00Mineral collection
Internal part of a nodule pyrite well crystallized, typical training of this career.
This specimen comes from Saint Denis d'Orques, Sarthe, France.
Sample measuring 8.9 cm long for 5.2 cm wide and 1.5 cm thick.
Its weight is 195 grams.360° video:
Fluorite, Mine de la Barre,...
€90.00Mineral collection
Fluorite rare crystals in curved octaered green and purple, whose main, incomplete, exceeds 4 cm wide.
It comes from the Barre mine (filon de la martinèche) Saint Jacques d’Ambur, Auvergne, in the former mining district of Pontgibaud, France.
This sample is 13.4 cm tall for 8.9 cm wide and 4.1 cm thickest.
Its weight is 490 grams.360° video:
Fluorite, Mine de la Barre,...
€85.00Mineral collection
Rare fluorite curved octaered green, whose principal exceeds 4 cm of edges.
It comes from the Barre mine (filon de la martinèche) Saint Jacques d’Ambur, Auvergne, in the former mining district of Pontgibaud, France.
This sample is 10.7 cm tall for 7 cm wide and 4.1 cm thick.
His weight is 425 grams.
A little shine on the main octaer.360° video:
Hématite, Alpes d'Huez,...
€15.00Mineral collection
Fine plate bearing on each side of millimetric crystals'hematitis brilliant.
It comes from the Alpe d'Huez, Grenoble, Isère, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France.
This sample is 7.6 cm long for 5.6 cm wide and 1.4 cm thick.
Its weight is 62 grams.360° video:
Quartz psm baryte, Morvan,...
€35.00Mineral collection
Interesting specimen of pseudomorphosis, with a tabular barit plate transformed into quartz. Traces of green fluorite in the back.
The specimen comes from a collection of samples french, without specific deposits, but the Morvan sector seems very likely. The price takes into account this inaccuracy.
This mineral is 12.7 cm long for 7 cm wide and 3.1 cm thick.
His weight is 526 grams.-----
Mineral collection
Interesting specimen of pseudomorphosis, with a plate of tabular barite transformed into quartz. Traces of green fluorite on the back.
The piece comes from a collection of French samples, without a precise deposit, but the Morvan sector seems very likely. The price takes this inaccuracy into account.360° video:
Quartz fumé, les deux...
€45.00Mineral collection
Quartz aesthetics from the area of the 2 Alpes, massive of the Erins, France.
It is composed of a rather flat main crystal enclosed in a group of smaller crystals.
That's pretty specimen measures 6 cm for 3.2 cm wide and 2.7 cm thick.
Its weight is 54 grams.
(Measures out of basement)360° video:
Quartz, malachite, Le Grand...
€70.00Mineral collection
Specimen de bi-termined quartz with the presence of malachite from the transformation of tetraedrites of the sector.
Almost floating specimen, only a discreet contact prevents certifying it.
This quartz comes from the Grand Mont, Arêches, Beaufortain, Savoie, France.
It measures 9.2 cm long for 4.3 cm wide and 3.5 cm thick.
Its weight is 181 grams.-----
Mineral collection
Bi-terminated quartz piece with the presence of malachite from the transformation of tetrahedrites in the sector.
Specimen almost floating, only a discreet contact prevents it from being certified.
This quartz comes from Grand Mont, Préches, Beaufortain, Savoie, France.
It measures 9.2 cm long by 4.3 cm wide and 3.5 cm thick.
Its weight is 181 grams.360° video:
Lot 3 minerals français...
€25.00Mineral collection
Varied lot of 3 French minerals with :
- Goethite of Chizeuil
- Chalcopyrite, Isère
- Fluorite, Valzergue -
Helix ramondi, bitume,...
€70.00Mineral collection
Specimen covered with bitumen natural, with two fossil snails ramondi helix.
Specimen from the old oil mining of the kings' mine, Dallet, Puy-de-Dôme, Auvergne, France.
It measures 10.8 cm long for 9.1 cm wide and 6.8 cm thick, snails measure 1.7 cm in diameter.
His weight is 480 grams.360° video:
Helix ramondi, bitume,...
€65.00Mineral collection
Nice presentation for this specimen, with a fossil snail'helix ramondi on bitumen.
Specimen from the old oil mining of the kings' mine, Dallet, Puy-de-Dôme, Auvergne, France.
This specimen is 11.4 cm long for 9 cm wide and 4.6 cm thick, the snail is 2.1 cm in diameter.
Weight of 394 grams.360° video:
Fluorite, Maine-Reclesne,...
€20.00Mineral collection
Sample fluoritis beige and violet from the mine of Maine-Reclesne in Saône and Loire, France.
The crystallisation is said in "column", with crystals in length and a quasi-platum termination.
The specimen 5.7 cm long for 4 cm wide and 2.8 cm thick.
Its weight is 145 grams.360° video:
Fluorite, Argentolle,...
€35.00Mineral collection
Sample fluoritis yellow typical of the deposit.
It comes from the mine of L'Argentolle, Saint-Prix, Saône-et-Loire, Burgundy-Franche-Comté, France.
This specimen is 8.4 cm long for 4.7 cm wide and 3.8 cm thick.
His weight is 269 grams.
The back is sealed.360° video:
Fluorite, Argentolle,...
€40.00Mineral collection
Specimen low frequency yellow fluorite covered by a colored chocolate coating on a massive white quartz gangue.
It comes from the mine of L'Argentolle, Saint-Prix, Saône-et-Loire, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France.
With a weight of 429 grams, this sample measures 7.9 cm long for 8.4 cm wide and 5.4 cm thick.360° video:
Lot 5 minerals français...
€40.00Mineral collection
Varied lot of 5 minerals with :
- Quartz to soul, Savoie
- Pyromorphite, Steinbach
- Quartz, Vizille
- Quartz, Oisans
- Yellow fluorite, Vensat -
Quartz, schist, Saint...
€45.00Mineral collection
Interesting group quartz almost floating with schist inclusions.
It comes from Saint-Sorlin-d'Arves, Oisans, Alpes, France.
This specimen 8.5 cm long for 7.2 cm wide and 4.1 cm thick.
His weight is 204 grams.360° video: