Minerals Asia

In this category you will find all our minerals from Asia. Here our Indian, Indonesian, Chinese, Middle East specimens etc...

  • Mordenite, apophyllite,...


    Mineral collection

    Infrequent association of'apophyllite green on mordenite creme color.
    This specimen comes from Nasik district, Maharashtra, India.
    It measures 13.4 cm long for 7.4 cm wide and 4.6 cm thickest.
    Its weight is 367 grams.

    360° video:

  • Fluorite, Balushistan,...


    Mineral window

    Nice fluoritis mounted on a basement with marked blue ghosts.
    This fluorite comes from the province of Balushistan to Pakistan.
    It measures 5.1 cm long for 3.9 cm high and 2.5 cm thick.
    Its weight is 53 grams.
    (Measures out of basement)


  • Stannite, arsenpyrite,...


    Mineral collection

    Association of Crystals stannite reaching 1 cm, for some unusually pointed, and small crystals'arsénopyrite.
    This specimen from the Yaogangxian mine, Yizhang Co., Chenzhou, Hunan, China.
    It measures 4.1 cm long for 3.8 cm wide and 2.5 cm thickest.
    Its weight is 91 grams.

    360° video:

  • Andradite Grenat, Bor Pit...


    Mineral collection

    Grenat andradite green brown with a little white dolomite.
    This sample comes from the career of Bor, Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russia.
    It measures 4.1 cm high for 4.1 cm wide and 1.9 cm thick.
    Its weight is 56 grams.
    Old stock.

    360° video:

  • Fluorite, Balushistan,...


    Mineral window

    Fluorite violet with some blue ghosts, surmounted by a dog's tooth crystallization.
    This fluorite comes from the province of Balushistan to Pakistan.
    It measures 9.3 cm high for 5.5 cm wide and 4.6 cm thick.
    His weight is 325 grams.


  • Stilbite, Nasik, India, 299 g


    Mineral collection

    Nice specimen with crystals stilbite slightly transparent showing a pink heart, on a red brick gangue.
    It comes from Nasik, Maharashtra, India.
    This specimen is 10.1 cm long for 9 cm wide and 3.4 cm tall.
    His weight is 299 grams.

    360° video:

  • Fluorite, Nasik, India, 2.7 cm


    Mineral collection

    Esthetics spherical fluorite yellow resting on a thin quartz plate.
    It comes from Nasik, Maharashtra, India.
    This specimen 2.7 cm long for 2.2 cm wide and 2.1 cm high, fluorite of 1.9 cm in diameter.
    Weight 16 grams.
    Outstanding measures.

    360° video:

  • Fluorite, Nasik, India, 3 cm


    Mineral collection

    Beautiful miniature with this spherical fluorite green yellow, resting on a fine amethyst plate.
    It comes from Nasik, Maharashtra, India.
    This specimen 3 cm long for 2.6 cm thick and 2.4 cm high. Fluorite is 1.7cm in diameter.
    Weight of 22 grams.
    Outstanding measures.

    360° video:

  • Native copper, Itauz mine,...


    Mineral window

    Elongated group of key crystals according to the law of the spinel native copper.
    It comes from the Itauz mine, Zhezqazghan Oblysy, Kazakhstan.
    This sample is 3.3 cm long for 4 mm wide and 3 mm thick.
    Off-stage measurements, not fixed on it.


  • Fluorite, Balushistan,...


    Mineral window

    Fluorite with well defined cubes, surmounted by a fine calcite crystallisation.
    This fluorite comes from the province of Balushistan to Pakistan.
    It measures 7.5 cm high for 6.2 cm wide and 3.7 cm thick.
    Its weight is 141 grams.


  • Fluorite, quartz, China,...


    Mineral collection

    Sample fluoritis chinese blue-green on quartz.
    It measures 10.5 cm high for 10.4 cm wide and 6.3 cm thick.
    Its weight is 595 grams.
    Sympathetic for beginner collector.

    360° video:

  • Bournonite, Yaogangxian...


    Mineral collection

    Cremailer crystals brononitis gray nested in crystals quartz transparent.
    This specimen from the Yaogangxian mine, Yizhang Co., Chenzhou, Hunan, China.
    It measures 7.3 cm long for 5.1 cm wide and 3.2 cm thickest.
    Its weight is 140 grams.

    360° video:

  • Fluorite, Balushistan,...


    Mineral window

    Fluorite pink grey showing ghosts in the crystals of the top of the specimen.
    It comes from the province of Baluchistan to Pakistan.
    This specimen 10.7 cm long for 8.5 cm wide and 4 cm thick.
    His weight is 416 grams.


  • Epidote, Mount Khorram,...


    Sample of'epidote brilliant, with dark green crystals.
    This specimen comes from Mount Khorram, Tafresh county en Iran.
    It measures 4.9 cm long for 4 cm wide and 2.7 cm thick.
    Its weight is 72 grams.

    360° video:

  • Fluorite Hunan, China, 1017 g


    Mineral collection

    Nice fluoritis with a shiny crystallization drawing on the gray at the front and green crystals at the back.
    Fluorite from Hunan Province in China.
    It measures 15 cm wide for 9.2 cm high and 4.9 cm thick.
    His weight is 1017 grams.
    Some very minor touches to report.

    360° video:

  • Fluorite, Hunan, China, 404 g


    Mineral collection

    Specimen de green fluorite transparent crystals with a beautiful lustre, crystallized on both sides.
    It comes from the Hunan province in China.
    This fluorite is 9.8 cm wide for 9.4 cm high and 5.2 cm thick.
    The weight is 404 grams.

    360° video:

  • Vivianite, Kerch, Crimea 99 g


    Mineral collection

    Good sample vivianite from the Kerch mine, Crimean peninsula, currently russian.
    The crystals approaching the 4 cm are wrapped in the matrix on both sides.
    This specimen is 8.1 cm long for 5 cm wide and 3.2 cm thick.
    Its weight is 99 grams.

    360° video:

  • Fluorite, Baluchistan,...


    Mineral window

    Nice fluoritis with a complex crystallization and big blue ghosts well marked. The back is covered by calcite.
    It comes from the province of Baluchistan to Pakistan.
    This sample is 8.5 cm long for 7.1 cm wide and 3.7 cm thick.
    Its weight is 278 grams.


  • Andradite Grenat, Bor Pit...


    Mineral collection

    Grenat andradite green brown overcoming quartz crystals, crystals with a strange colored pattern.
    This sample comes from the career of Bor, Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russia.
    It measures 4.1 cm high for 4.8 cm wide and 2.6 cm thick.
    Its weight is 63 grams.
    (Measures out of basement)
    Ancient collection

    360° video:

  • Prehnite, quartz, Mumbai,...


    Mineral collection

    Sample with a vein with a geode containing prehnite green in "lamelles" and quartz crystals.
    It comes from Mumbai district, Maharashtra, India.
    Specimen measuring 10.3 cm long for 5.6 cm wide and 3 cm thickest.
    Its weight is 188 grams.
    The back is sealed.

    360° video:

  • Andradite Grenat, Bor Pit...


    Mineral collection

    Nice Crystallization grenat andradite green brown with partial recovery of microcistallin quartz.
    This grenat comes from the career of Bor, Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russia.
    It measures 4.7 cm long for 4.2 cm wide and 3.3 cm thick.
    Its weight is 95 grams.

    360° video:

  • Lazurite psm Afghanite,...


    Mineral collection

    Specimen presenting on a marble gangue and pyrite pseudomorphosis of afghanite crystals in lazurite, with a deep blue contrasting with beige marble. This specimen subsequently suffered the geological movements of its environment.
    This sample comes from the Lapis lazuli mine of Ladjuar Medam, Koksha Valley, Kuran wa Munjan, Badakhshan, Afghanistan.
    It measures 14 cm long for 8.9 cm wide and 8.3 cm thick.
    Its weight is 1.062 kilograms.

    360° video:

  • Lazurite, Ladjuar Medam,...


    Mineral collection

    Elegant specimen with a crystal lazurite 3.5 cm pretend suspended above a marble block with pyrite and smaller crystals of lazurite.
    It comes from the lapis lazuli mine of Ladjuar Medam, Koksha Valley, Kuran wa Munjan, Badakhshan, Afghanistan.
    This mineral measures 10.2 cm long for 9.6 cm high and 5.3 cm thick.
    His weight is 476 grams.

    360° video:

  • Prehnite, okénite, Pune,...


    Mineral collection

    Ancient specimen with white and spherical prehnite with a few pumpkins'okay.
    It comes from the Pune district, Maharashtra, India.
    This sample is 12.2 cm long for 9 cm wide and 4.8 cm thick.
    Its weight is 398 grams.

    360° video:

  • Prehnite, Pune, India, 190 g


    Mineral collection

    Specimen de prehnite a soft colour on a micro-crystallized quartz mat.
    It comes from the Pune District, Pune Division, Maharashtra, India.
    This sample is 10 cm long for 6.6 cm wide and 3.4 cm thick.
    Its weight is 190 grams.

    360° video:

  • Quartz, hematite, mine...


    Mineral collection

    Elegant specimen de quartz transparent with'hematitis flips. Note the presence of a bi-terminated crystal, as well as different crystallizations at the ends of certain crystals.
    Specimen from the Lechang mine, Lechang Co., Shaoguan, Guangdong, China.
    It measures 8.5 cm long for 5.2 cm wide and 5 cm deep.
    Its weight is 65 grams.
    (Measures out of basement)


    Mineral collection

    Elegant piece of transparent quartz with hematite in sheets. Note the presence of a bi-terminated crystal, as well as different crystallizations at the ends of certain crystals.
    Specimen from Lechang Mine, Lechang Co., Shaoguan, Guangdong, China.
    It measures 8.5 cm long by 5.2 cm wide and 5 cm deep.
    Its weight is 65 grams.

    360° video:

  • Manganocalcite, Dalnegorsk,...


    Mineral collection

    Sample manganocalcite polysynthetic with two main endings.
    Specimen near-floating with a strong long UV reaction.
    It comes from Dalnegorsk mining district, Dalnegorsk urban district, Primorsky Krai, Russia.
    With a weight of 89 grams, this specimen is 8.6 cm long and 3.3 cm wide and 3.1 cm thick.

    360° video:

  • Bismuth native, Dayu Co.,...


    Mineral collection

    Sample bismuth native, chemical element of Bi symbol, appearing here as crystals molded after quartz crystals.
    It was taken from Dayu Co. County, rich in tin and tungsten, in Ganzhou, Jiangxi China.
    This bronze-coloured specimen is 1.9 cm long for 1.3 cm wide and 0.7 cm thick.

    360° video:

  • Fluorite, Inner Mongolia,...


    Mineral collection

    Specimen of pink fluorite with three octahedrons encased between them.
    This aesthetic specimen, with fine inclusions, comes from the Huanggang mine, Shifeng Prefecture, Inner Mongolia, China.
    It is 2.7 cm high, with the main crystal measuring 2.1 cm of ridge.
    Its off base weight is 16 grams.

    360° video:

  • Manganocalcite, Dalnegorsk,...


    Mineral collection

    Esthetics manganocalcite with multiple endings.
    Spécimen slightly pink of 238 grams from Dalnegorsk, Russia.
    Specimen slender measuring 9 cm long for 4 cm thick.
    This calcite is UV reactive.
    Note a small discrete cleavage at the back of the specimen.